If you’re seeing structured data errors or warnings, don’t worry… these are totally normal.

๐Ÿค“ In fact, I’ve tested out almost 5,000 stores and almost every one I’ve come across has one or all of these.

Google has updated their structured data for 2019 and this is causing a lot of warnings to appear, however warnings are not errors. Warnings are just recommendations. They are nothing to worry about.

I’ve received a lot of emails lately about structured data errors and warnings and so I thought I’d write a post about it to explain what’s been going on in 2019 with Google.

Do I need to Fix Anything?

If you have SEO Get Clicked installed, then you don’t need to fix any of your errors or warnings because our app provides you with complete and correct structured data that Google will use to create rich snippets for your site.

Remember warnings are not errors, they are merely recommendations you don’t need to worry about.

Google Updated Structured Data in 2019

Google changed their algorithm in January 2019 and added a lot more requirements to structured data.

This change caused a lot of warnings (and errors) to appear.

I have good news.ย  If you have SEO Get Clicked installed then you’re fine because we’ve updated everyone’s structured data to meet these new 2019 requirements.

We’ve added a lot of new fields and information that Google has requested.

In fact, every time you update edit or add a new product we automatically update your structured data to reflect these changes.

We update and monitor our structured data on a daily basis to make sure it’s in compliance with Google’s regulations.

We do all this so you don’t have to.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Beware of SEO apps out there with out-dated structured data full of errors which can actually harm your ranking.

Do I need to fix errors or warnings?

Nope, you don’t nee to fix errors or warnings.

You are seeing errors or warnings because your theme has incorrect or incomplete structured data.

No need to worry because Google will use our correct and complete structured data instead.

In fact, Google will actually ignore all of your errors and warnings on your theme and will happily use our correct code.

Google will use the structured data set that is most complete (being provided by SEO Get Clicked) to create rich snippets for your site.

If you don’t have SEO Get Clicked installed on your Shopify store, or if you uninstall our app, then you will lose the benefits of our structured data and these errors and warnings will matter.

What are structured data warnings?

Warnings are displayed in orange text.

Warnings are NOT errors.ย  Warnings are Recommendations.

Ideally you want to have as little warnings as possible.

Warnings are recommendations so the idea is you want to give Google as much information as they would like.

Google is simply recommending you give them more info that might be missing.

Warnings are not harmful.

Do I need to fix structured data warnings?


You don’t need to fix structured data warnings because they are optional recommendations.

You could choose to add in the missing information if you want.

Ideally, you want to reduce the amount of warnings you have to the absolute minimum which our app does for your automatically.

Any missing or incorrect fields on your theme’s structured data will be filled automatically by our app.

3 warnings that don’t matter & you can’t fix

Sometimes there are warnings that are not possible to fix.

No need to worry about any of these because they are just recommendations. ๐Ÿ˜‰

1.) "review" - The review field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.

This is because the product review app you are using has not updated their code for 2019 to include the “review” field.

๐Ÿšฉ There is no way to fix this.

2.)"priceValidUntil"ย  - The priceValidUntil field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.

Your product has a set price and you have not provided a sale price. This means your “priceValidUntil” field doesn’t exist.

๐Ÿšฉ If you don’t have a sale price, there is no way to fix this.

3.) "aggregateRating" - The aggregateRating field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.

This means you don’t have any ratings yet (no reviews on your products). This warning will go away once you get reviews on your product.

๐Ÿšฉ If you don’t have reviews yet, there is no way to fix this.

2 warnings that don’t matter & you can fix

1) "sku" - The sku field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.

You are missing information on your product page for sku. โœ… If you use the sku field, you can fix this warning.

If you don’t use sku, then ignore this warning.

Instructions: For product variants, click on “variant”, go to “inventoryโ€ and enter your sku number in the barcode field. For regular products, go to โ€œinventoryโ€ and enter your sku number in the barcode field. Save your changes. Our app will automatically update your structured data with the information provided.

2.) "This Product is missing a global identifier (e.g. isbn, mpn or gtin8). Please see documentation for valid identifiers."

You are missing information on your product page for MPN. โœ… If you use the sku field, you can fix this warning.

If you don’t use sku, then ignore this warning.

Same instructions as sku (above)๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿผ

What are structured data errors?

Errors are displayed in red text.

Errors means there is wrong code somewhere in your structured data.

Should I worry about structured data errors?


If you have an error, it’s most likely coming from your theme or from another SEO app you might have installed in the past.

Ideally, you would have zero errors but it’s normal for websites to have 1 or 2 errors in their theme.

The good news is that this wrong code is not being provided by our app.

No need to worry, because Google just needs one Error-free structured data set to be happy and our app provides that for you.

Do I need to fix structured data errors?


You don’t need to fix structured data errors as long as you have SEO Get Clicked installed.

We will provide Google with error-free structured data.

Google will just ignore your errors since our structured data provides them with the correct values for these property fields.

If you wish to fix your errors, you definitely have that choice but it requires hiring a programmer to remove the bad code from your theme.

Since this is expensive and unnecessary, I recommend just leaving your errors AS IS.


I hope that we’ve been able to answer any questions you might have about structured data errors and structured data warnings.

If you have any questions for us, feel free to get in touch with us here.


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