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SEO Scanner Tool: Keyword was Not Found in the H1 Tag
The keyword was not found in your H1 heading tag. To fix, please add your keyword to your product title.
Perhaps you’ve selected a keyword, but have forgotten to update your product title?
Example #1
If your keyword is “womens graphic vintage t-shirt” then your product title just needs to include this.
So if your product title was:
“Womens Graphic vintage t-shirt (Feminist Saying)”
then this would be perfect because it includes your keyword.
Example #2
Let’s say your product title is “Hot Chocolate Powder Elixir Drink”
And our keyword is “cocoa powder”
This is bad because “cocoa powder” isn’t found in your product title “Hot Chocolate Powder Elixir Drink”
If you changed your keyword to “Hot Chocolate Powder” then this would be correct!
✅ Because the keyword “hot chocolate powder” is found in our product title “Hot Chocolate Powder Elixir Drink”

Technical Explanation
You’re getting this error message because our scanner tool couldn’t find your keyword in your H1 tag.
Shopify automatically uses your product title as the text for your H1 tag of your webpage. If your product title doesn’t contain your keyword, then your h1 tag won’t contain it either.
If the keyword you wrote in your page title is different than the keyword you’ve selected. Our scanner can’t find an exact match and this is why it’s showing you an error message.
How can I fix this?
In order to fix this, you’ll want to enter your keyword in your product title.
This will automatically update your h1 tag.
Make sure to write your keyword in your product title word for word, letter for letter in the same order you’ve placed them.
Don’t spread out your keyword
If you spread out the words in your keyword throughout your product title, Google won’t understand what phrase you are trying to rank for.
Again, our keyword is “Hot Chocolate Powder.”
✅Good Example
See how my keyword phrase “hot chocolate powder” is in my title?
This is good!
Bad Example
Notice how I spread out my keyword phrase, this is not good!
What’s a Keyword? Your keyword is a short phrase or term that best describes your product or webpage.
What’s an H1 Tag? An H1 just means it’s the first heading on your webpage. In technical terms, an H1 tag is an HTML element that displays a heading on your website.