Get Clicked SEO: Roadmap

Get Clicked SEO Roadmap / Latest Changes

Our goal at Adolab is to make Get Clicked SEO the best way to optimize your stores search engine presence. We understand how difficult SEO can be and we are continuously working on improving our app.

We want you to know that we are right here with you the whole time and are working on it every single day to make it better.

If you have any suggestions feel free to email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to consider them.

Upcoming Changes

  • Daily / Weekly 404 error reports
  • Keyword Tracker compare progress based on historical data
  • Dismiss 404 errors
  • Automatic URL suggestion for 4o4 redirects
  • Optimize Homepage (SEO Insights)
  • Add search bar for Blogs
  • Filter products list by date added/created
  • Filter products by those missing keyword
  • Quick snapshot of your errors (summary) on Product list
  • Filter products list by which ones have SEO issues
  • Pull in all 404 redirects that you’ve created on Shopify 
  • Edit 404 redirect
  • Bulk Editing for Products
  • Featured image for products in their structured data
  • Ability to upgrade to Premium subscription
  • Ability to edit your Homepage’s page title and meta description
  • Add integration for Conversio review app (pending)
  • Add integration for AliReviews review app (pending)
  • Add aggregate rating for Article data types – to show stars for blog articles (pending)
  • Add integration for Judgeme review app (pending)
  • Integration with Google Search Console
  • Feature for submitting XML sitemap to Google

More coming soon, write [email protected] for any product development suggestions.

Latest Released Changes

May, 2019

  • For tracked keywords with historical data (greater than 1 week), previous ranking will be displayed along with the difference from week to week.
  • When a new competitor is added to the rank tracker their rank tracking history is now immediately displayed.
  • The links on the footer section will now go to the correct page within the app.
  • Prevent empty keywords from being saved. This was creating unpredictable behavior when scanning items for issues.
  • Ability to upgrade from free plan to Premium subscription.
  • Server upgrades and various back end improvements that will handle updating a shops JSON-LD structured data much more quickly.
  • Added improved advanced controls for power-users that will allow them more controls over how their variant availability is presented to Google.
  • Moved JSON-LD specific information from the company screen and into its new home.
  • Removed item validation from the Structured data screen and renamed it to “JSON-LD Structured Data”.
  • Added new JSON-LD structured data that will display “out of stock” schema if a particular variant is not available. This is a fix that will improve our integration with Google Ads.
  • Added additional feedback to the issue scanner and allow the user to rescan their item without having to save it. This is to accommodate for the occasional delay by Shopify in applying changes. Changes can take up to 60 seconds to be applied to an item.
  • Improved the help documentation for what ranking position means on the keyword rank tracker. Added in an additional “Reference Table” for users to quickly compare their rank to the related page on Google results.
  • Fix for keywords that have been newly added to the keyword rank tracker. The loading spinner animation will now disappear after the keyword has successfully been added.

April, 2019

  • Improved the SEO issues scanner feedback for H1 tag length.
  • Improved character counting on item name length for all item types.
  • Fixed a bug on the rank tracker that was hiding the newly created navigation card for some users.
  • Added more helpful information on the rank tracker to help the user understand the information on the screen more clearly.
  • The rank tracker will now support urls containing http and https
  • Rank tracking now uses the root domain for the competitor analysis (i.e. will now use when comparing)
  • Fixed a bug on the rank tracker that was not displaying any data if the shop does not rank in the first 10 pages of results.
  • Fixed a bug on the rank tracker that was preventing newly added competitors from displaying data.
  • Created a new space on the home screen for the keyword rank tracker and replaced the getting started card.
  • Improved the rank tracker infrastructure that will help it find rank tracking information more quickly.
  • Keyword tracking: Display total competition
  • Keyword tracking: Allow a user to track their progress against a specific competitor
  • Beta Release for a limited number of users: Keyword rank tracking over time, track your progress towards ranking higher for your competitive keywords.
  • Remove Google+ related functionality due to the G+ shutdown.
  • Added additional navigation links on the footer section of the app so that users can quickly navigate to any page without having to go back to the home screen.
  • Added support for Kudobuzz Product Reviews.
  • Improved the handling of products that don’t have a customer review.
  • Updates to the structured data for for products.

March, 2019

  • Upgrades to the backend operations of Get Clicked. Saving changes should occur more quickly. Security and reliability has been improved and there are now more fallback actions in place should something go awry.
  • Shops are now able to sign up for the beta version of our keyword tracker functionality. This will allow them to track the progress of their SEO efforts over time.
  • When updating an item and it is saved, the SEO issues scanner will run automatically after the changes are completed.
  • The item SEO Issues scanner is now more clear when there have been changes made to the item.
  • Big update on the way that structured data is generated. Google recently released a new set of requirements and we have been working hard to update our structured data to ensure that we are compatible with the latest changes.
  • Improved keyword detection on the on page content for all item types. (Products, Pages, Collections, Blogs,  Articles).
  • Fixed typos on the item optimization screen.
  • Revised the feedback on scanner issues related to H1 tag warnings. It is now more clear what the user needs to do to resolve issues related to keywords in the H1 tags.
  • Disabled the item description length counter due to a bug on Shopifys end related to the way that descriptions are saved.
  • Added a section for Google my Business to the company screen.
  • Added a section for Bing Places for Business to the company screen.
  • Allow the shop to specify their companies industry. This will allow Google and Bing to display the shop in even more relevant search results based on user intentions.
  • Allow the user to specify which Shopify product review system they are using. This will allow our app to provide Google with better structured data and in turn, better rich snippets for the store.
  • Allow the user to scan their Pages for SEO issues.
  • Users can now edit the title of all of their Pages, Collections, Articles, and Blogs. Previously this was only available for Products. This will allow a “one-stop” type of experience so that the user does not need to leave the app to edit aspects of their item’s SEO.
  • Support keyword suggestions in languages other than English.
  • [Bugfix] Item quick scanner was not loading for certain users.
  • Automatically scan a single item for issues so that the user can see what issues were found with their item.
  • [Bugfix] Quick scanning for a single item or a multiple list of items that weren’t products was causing the issue scanner to not working properly.
  • Added in quick tips that should help make choosing a good keyword a little clearer.

February, 2019

  • Added a new section that will allow the user to scan any item for Structured Data related issues.
  • Added a new section that will allow the user to scan any item for Mobile Friendliness related issues.
  • Added a new section that will allow the user to scan any item for Page Speed related issues.
  • Keyword detection in the item description is now compatible with languages that do not use the Arabic Alphabet.
  • When the scanner tool runs, the latest version of the item description is used. This is helpful for users who are editing their descriptions in the native Shopify editor.
  • [Bugfix] For some users, the collection meta title and meta description were not saving properly.
  • Added an email onboarding system for new users to get started quickly with Get Clicked.
  • Made the Get Clicked development roadmap available to the public.
  • Made the SEO optimization page use a single button. Previously for each section the user needed to save each section individually (product images, keyword, meta title / meta description etc…)
  • Added a feedback indicator bar for the user when selecting the keyword

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